Grave Robbers of the Sea

Wrecks provide precious shelter and support for delicate marine life. Many divers I know love diving wrecks and some even seek out unmarked wrecks for exploration. We cannot deny that these unique dive sites offer so much to experience underwater.
“Illegal salvage of wrecks has no place in our oceans. What they do is destructive and devastates the local marine ecosystem.”
Decades of coral growth killed in a short period of time due to the actions of these salvagers who are selfish in their actions. Reckless destructive methods such as bombing and dredging with gigantic claws are used to strip the wreck bare of their metal. It is truly a pity that such things are allowed to happen.
Unfortunately, there is no effective way to police the waters regularly to protect the wreck from illegal salvagers. With limited resources and manpower, it is an impossible task. Would stricter restrictions from various countries be a solution? Possible. However, what usually happens on the ground depends mainly on the officers in charge, rather than following the law.
Further reading: The race to save up to 50 shipwrecks from looters in Southeast Asia
My advice? Experience wreck diving as much as possible and absorb every experience that it can offer you. Of course, it may not be for everyone as diving conditions such as bad visibility or strong currents are a possibility.
I will always remember that some of my best dives were at a wreck.